1. Getting started
  2. Annotations
  3. Dynamic resources
  4. Validation
  5. Form Elements
  6. Actions
  7. Environments
  8. XML Forms

Getting started

Using this library is straightforward. DynamicForm is a control that will render controls bound to an associated model. A model can be an object, a type, a primitive, or a custom IFormDefinition.

A DynamicForm has two key properties, the Model property, which represents the form being rendered, and the Context property, which allows models to access data outside of their scope, such as a selection field or action handling.

Hosting dynamic forms

DynamicForm is a WPF control that hosts forms. You are free to include this control anywhere in XAML:

<forms:DynamicForm Model="{Binding Model}" />

As you can see above, MVVM patterns are fully supported. In this way, you can expose your data from a ViewModel, and the view for manipulating that data is automatically rendered.

If you only need to display the forms as dialogs, then you can use helper class Forge.Forms.Show like this:

var result = await Show.Dialog().For<Login>();
// result.Action stores the last action of the dialog
if (result.Action is "login") {
  // result.Model stores the model instance
  string username = result.Model.Username;
  string password = result.Model.Password;
  bool rememberMe = result.Model.RememberMe;
  // do something with the values
} else {
  // "cancel" is clicked, do nothing

Show.Dialog() will host the form in a MaterialDesignInXAML DialogHost control, while Show.Window() will host the control in a Mahapps.Metro window.

Building forms from classes

The easiest way to build a form is to declare a class with the inputs you need. You can use annotations to fine-tune the behavior of fields, or even add form elements such as titles, text, or actions.

In the following class we declare a Login model:

[Title("Log in to continue")]
[Action("cancel", "CANCEL", IsCancel = true, ClosesDialog = true)]
[Action("login", "LOG IN", IsDefault = true, ClosesDialog = true, Validates = true)]
class Login {
  [Field(Icon = "Account")]
  public string Username { get; set; }
  [Field(Icon = "Key")]
  public string Password { get; set; }
  public bool RememberMe { get; set; }

Most of the decorators should be self-explanatory. If we call Show.Dialog().For<Login>(), we will see the following dialog:


Calling Show.Window().For<Login>() will show the same form, except that it will be hosted in a new window.

If we want to manually display this form in XAML, we would have to write:

<forms:DynamicForm x:Name="MyForm" Model="{Binding MyLoginModel}" />

Where MyLoginModel would be a property that returned a Login instance, or even the typeof(Login) itself.

Imperatively, this could be done via:

MyForm.Model = new Login();
// or
MyForm.Model = typeof(Login);

If you are not sure if the model is a type or an instance, reading MyForm.Value will always return the resolved instance of the input model.

Common form helpers

Because some simple dialogs are so common, we offer built-in helper classes for them:


await Show.Dialog().For(new Alert("Hello world!"));
await Show.Dialog().For(new Confirmation("Delete item?", null, "YES", "NO"));
await Show.Dialog().For(new Prompt<string> { Title = "What's your name?" });

Alert Confirmation Prompt

Demo project

We offer a demo with a lot of examples to help you get started.


For every model you see in the list of examples, you can view its source from the top right menu:

View source

To run the demo, clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/WPF-Forge/Forge.Forms.git

And open Forge.Forms/Forge.Forms.sln, then run Forge.Forms.Demo project.

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